0773H Degen Yearly ETH L1
Mint the Hello Degen NFT relative to the number of months for which you wish to become a patron. Your "subscription" is a form of long-term patronage and how long is entirely up to you. Becoming a patron offers no financial return, and no guarantees, however, I will work hard to reward patrons with a number of perks, including some which are unlocked cumulatively as the number of active patrons grows. More on that below.
Perks and Bonuses:
- Q&A: For as long as a patron is active, they will have direct line of communication with me, allowing them to send in questions and comments which I will try to incorporate into future content. One example of this is Q&A, a feature for existing patrons that allows them to ask a question to be answered long-form in the monthly newsletter. Question-askers may request to be anonymous or have their social handle/ENS featured as a form of self-promotion.
- Recognition: Each newsletter will include a list of all patrons active at the time of publishing. For patrons with higher value commitments there may be additional flair to indicate their support.
- Referral rewards are set at 3% with Fabric
- Public posts, access to private channels on Farcaster
- Premium-only podcast livestream
- Premium-only giveaways and airdrops
- Premium-only posts and full archive
Mint the Hello Degen NFT relative to the number of months for which you wish to become a patron. Your "subscription" is a form of long-term patronage and how long is entirely up to you. Becoming a patron offers no financial return, and no guarantees, however, I will work hard to reward patrons with a number of perks, including some which are unlocked cumulatively as the number of active patrons grows. More on that below.
Perks and Bonuses:
- Q&A: For as long as a patron is active, they will have direct line of communication with me, allowing them to send in questions and comments which I will try to incorporate into future content. One example of this is Q&A, a feature for existing patrons that allows them to ask a question to be answered long-form in the monthly newsletter. Question-askers may request to be anonymous or have their social handle/ENS featured as a form of self-promotion.
- Recognition: Each newsletter will include a list of all patrons active at the time of publishing. For patrons with higher value commitments there may be additional flair to indicate their support.
- Referral rewards are set at 3% with Fabric
- Public posts, access to private channels on Farcaster
- Premium-only podcast livestream
- Premium-only giveaways and airdrops
- Premium-only posts and full archive